Our mission is to Cheer you up. Bringing the good vibes of plants into your place.
No matter how small it is, there´s always a chance to turn it into a greener and happy place.
Plants cheer us up!
Spending time with nature, help us reduce our anxiety and stress. Is a free therapy! Also, they make our place look great!
Plus, you will feel so proud when you get your plants from your garden and use them to make some cool mojitos, a tasty pasta, a hot tea or any remedy to heal yourself.
That´s why Plantitas (Spanish diminutive for plants) are great roommates!
They poop fresh air and just drink water. Enough reason for having them at home!
Our pots are designed to fit in any space, even the smallest ones.
Even dough, some places can be tricky for plants, such a small apartment, no terrace, small balconies or an office cubicle. For us, there is always a way to bring the jungle vibes to the concrete! Our pots are space saver and a smart way to have plants in a small area.
We are true believers that any place, no matter how small it is, deserves to feel the experience of plants at home. Enjoy their beauty, good vibes and also feel the proud to have some ingredients in there.
Give us the chance to cheer your place up!